LightCorp Blog — Task Lighting

How Lighting Affects our Brains And How To Pick The Right Lighting For Your Rooms

Ambient Lighting How Tos Overhead Lighting Task Lighting

How Lighting Affects our Brains And How To Pick The Right Lighting For Your Rooms

  Lighting plays a crucial role in affecting our vision and concentration especially nowadays when we are spending extended periods of time in front of our computers and phones browsing the internet, working on a long assignment or going on a Netflix marathon watching our favorite shows on a lazy Sunday afternoon. Weather we notice it or not lighting does affect our surroundings since we are exposed to it for long periods of time thus affecting our work rate and sight. Today we will explain how lighting affects our brains and the different types of lighting to help you make better decisions when picking up new lights    Poor lighting is certainly irritating regardless of what room you might be in, it can be particularly risky as it can "change our brains structures and change one's ability to remember and learn" as researchers at...

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